List of Guardians of Ga'Hoole characters
This is a list of Guardians of Ga'Hoole characters.
Characters from the Main Storyline
The Band
- Soren – The main protagonist a male Barn Owl, Tyto alba, leader of "the Band." Soren was born in the Kingdom of Tyto, where he lived with his father, Noctus, his mother, Marella, his two siblings, Kludd and Eglantine, and the family’s nestmaid, a blind snake named Mrs. Plithiver. He was snatched by patrols from St. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls after Kludd pushed him from the nest. He later escaped with his friend Gylfie and together the two met Twilight and Digger before journeying to the Great Ga'Hoole Tree. After many adventures, Soren becomes a Guardian of Ga'Hoole,leader of The Band, leader or the Chaw of Chaws after, a member of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree and the ryb of the weather interpretation and colliering chaw after Ezylryb died. He is the mate of Pellimore and the father of Bell, Blythe, and Bash. Soren has starsight, allowing him to view glimpses of the future through his dreams. At the end of The War of the Ember he becomes king of the Great Tree after Coryn's death. Portrayed by Jim Sturgess in the film.
- Gylfie – A female Elf Owl, Micrathene whitneyi, who is Soren’s best friend and part of "the Band." Gylfie was hatched in a cactus in the Desert of Kuneer and was snatched by patrols from St. Aggie’s after trying to fly before her wings had completely fledged. She escaped with Soren, and after befriending Twilight and Digger, came to the Great Ga'hoole tree. She later becomes the navigation ryb. Gylfie is both articulate and intelligent, although less reliant on books than Otulissa. Portrayed by Emily Barclay in the film.
- Twilight – A male Great Grey Owl, Strix nebulosa. It is revealed in The Guide Book to the Great Tree that he was the son of a famous poet, Skye, his mother, and was named Cassius when he was hatched. He was snatched by St. Aggies but escaped when he bit one of his captor’s talons clean off. He is part of "The Band." Soren and Gylfie meet him after escaping from St. Aggie’s. He claims that he taught himself everything about surviving and was abandoned within hours of hatching. He dealt the final blow to Kludd, the ruler of the Pure Ones, in the Battle of the Burning. One of the only times he is injured in battle was in "The Golden Tree" during the Battle of the Book of Kreeth, when he faced off against Nyra, he was slashed across his chest and almost died but was saved by the two flying snakes, Slynella and Stingyll, with their healing venom. It is revealed in The War of the Ember that he has two brothers, Tavis and Cletus, that he had never met, as they left shortly before he was born. He is very confident and boastful, and is constantly singing songs about himself, but he still has a very good heart. He is now a Guardian of Ga'Hoole at the Ga'Hoole Tree in the search-and-rescue chaw. Portrayed by Anthony LaPaglia in the film.
- Digger – A very smart tracking Burrowing Owl, Athene cunicularia, who is part of "the Band." Born in the Desert of Kuneer, he was separated from his parents when owls from St. Aggie’s attacked his family and ate his brother. He is now a Guardian of Ga'Hoole at the Great Ga'Hoole Tree in the tracking chaw. He is a very deep thinker, and can often come up with things that others can not. It is revealed in The Shattering that he has a huge crush on Sylvana. Portrayed by David Wenham in the film.
Owls and Other Creatures of the Great Tree
- Boron (deceased) – A male Snowy Owl, Bubo scandiacus. The King of Ga'Hoole before Coryn arrived; died when Coryn came to the Great Tree of Ga'Hoole (causes of death were that because Coryn had gotten the Ember of Hoole, it was his turn to reign). He often told wet poop jokes, and was known to consort with seagulls, which was considered very disrespectful, but he was loved all the same. Was the mate of Barran. Portrayed by Richard Roxburgh in the films.
- Barran (deceased) – A female Snowy Owl, Bubo scandiacus. The Queen of Ga'Hoole before Coryn came to the Great Tree of Ga'Hoole; died just as he was arriving (causes of death were the same as Boron's). she was the ryb of the search-and-rescue chaw, and was the mate of Boron. Portrayed by Deborra-Lee Furness in the films.
- Ezylryb (formerly Lyze of Kiel) (deceased) – A male Whiskered Screech-owl, Megascops trichopsis, who was the wise old mentor at the Great Ga'Hoole tree. Originally known as Lyze of Kiel when he was a warrior of the Kielian League in the Northern Kingdoms. He was the ryb of the weather interpretation and Colliering and head librarian before he died of old age. He also told wet poop jokes and spoke with seagulls. Ezylryb is Soren's mentor and tells Soren that Soren should be his ward.Octavia is Ezylryb’s best friend and nestmaid. The most noticeable feature about him are that his port foot has only three talons and he has one squinted eye. It seems that he sees more in his squinted eye than with two normal eyes. He later dies when Coryn comes to the Great Ga'hoole tree, because Ezylryb becomes very ill. Portrayed by Geoffrey Rush in the films. He had an owlet with Lil, Bo, and a grandson, Braithe.
- Coryn (formerly Nyroc) (deceased) – A male Barn Owl, Tyto alba; Kludd and Nyra’s chick; first to NOT perform the Special Ceremony (Tupsi) as a Pure One; the former monarch of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree; Eglantine and Soren’s nephew. Considered one of the greatest monarchs since Hoole and also has firesight. He died of blood loss when The Striga cuts off his wing and becomes a constellation in the sky. Although dead, he lives on with a great name in history, and is thoroughly remembered through all animals near the owl kingdom.
- Otulissa – A female Spotted Owl, Strix occidentalis. She is the Ga'Hoolology ryb at the Great Tree also chief ryb, a member of the Chaw of Chaws, and a superb collier and weather interpreter. She is very prim and proper, but extremely smart and intelligent, as she likes to read a lot of books in the library. Unliked by the band at first, but later accompanies them on many of their adventures.She constantly boasts about her ancestor, the renowned weatherist, Strix Emerilla .Since Strix Emerilla is the mate of Hoole, she is a direct descendant of Hoole. She lost an eye in battle and now wears a bandana over it. Mate of Cleve and mother to 4 yet-to-hatch chicks. Portrayed by Abbie Cornish in the films. Also, in the film, she was portrayed as a Short-eared Owl rather than a Spotted Owl.
- Ruby – A female Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus. A member of the Chaw of Chaws and the most spectacular flyer in the six known kingdoms. She is in the colliering and weather interpretation chaw. However, she is not very book-smart. Her most distinguishing feature is her ruddy feathers.
- Martin – A male Northern Saw-whet Owl, Aegolius acadicus; a member of the Chaw of Chaws; a Guardian at the Great Ga'Hoole Tree, a member of the colliering and weather interpretation chaw together with Soren. His mate is named Gemma and he has one son Justin.
- Eglantine – A female Barn Owl, Tyto alba, Soren’s younger sister, well loved by Soren, best friends with Primrose. Eglantine is a member of the search-and rescue-chaw. Portrayed by Adrienne DeFaria in the film. Eglantine drops Nyra's first egg into the fire in The Shattering. Has been shattered by the Pure Ones.
- Primrose – Female Pygmy Owl. Eglantine’s best friend. A member of the search-and-rescue-chaw. Primrose seems to be a kind and generous owl to all except Ginger, a Pure One, who she despises.
- Madame Plonk – A Female Snowy Owl, Bubo scandiacus. The elegant singer of the great tree. Doc Finebeak’s mate. Madame Plonk is a descendant of The Snow Rose. Her first name was briefly mentioned as Brunwella by her sister, The Rogue Smith of Silverveil in both The Rescue and Lost Tales of Ga'Hoole.
- Kalo – A Burrowing Owl, Athene cunicularia, and childhood friend of Coryn. Because of her love of thinking and reading, she is nearly burned as part of Striga’s plans. Her mate's name is Grom.
- Coryn (a.k.a. Cory) – Kalo’s younger brother, named for Coryn after he rescued him as an egg.
- Elvan/Elvanryb – A Great Grey Owl who was the ryb of the colliering chaw.
- Mrs. Plithiver – Female nest maid snake, formerly the nest-maid for Soren’s family; now a member of the harp guild at the Great Ga'Hoole Tree. Friend of Octavia. Is one of the noblest snakes in the tree. Her rarely ever used first name is Horace. Portrayed by Miriam Margolyes in the film.
- Octavia – Female Kielian snake; nest maid for many years for Ezylryb and Madame Plonk; aka Brigid. Once flew with Lyze in the Kielian League. was blinded in the War of the Ice Claws and adapted the sensibility of a true blind snake. is known to be overweight.
- Audrey - Female nest maid snake. She formerly was the nest maid for Otulissa's family. Audrey made owlipoppen (fake owlet dolls) in The Burning.
- Doc Finebeak – A male Snowy Owl famed freelance tracker once in the employ of the Pure Ones; Now at the Great Tree. Madame Plonk’s companion, and later, mate. He is feared and loved by crows.
- Bubo – A male Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus - The blacksmith at the Great Ga'hoole tree, close friends with Madame Plonk. Portrayed by Bill Hunter in the film.
- Strix Struma (deceased) – Female Spotted Owl, Strix occidentalis - A very respectable ryb at the great Ga'hoole tree, and ryb of the Navigation chaw before she was killed by Nyra in The Siege. She is a descendant of Strix Strumajen. Portrayed by Sacha Horler in the film. Otulissa's role model.
- Sylvana – A young female Burrowing Owl, ryb of the tracking chaw. It has been stated in The Shattering that Digger has a crush on her.
- Dewlap – A female Burrowing Owl, ryb of the Ga'Hoology chaw before Otulissa. Dewlap betrayed the great tree during The Siege. Dewlap is also known for giving Otulissa a special flint mop, and is a boring ryb. Later she is taken to the Glauxian Sisters Retreat.
- Matron – A Female Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus, the head caretaker of wounded owlets at the Great Ga'hoole tree.
- Poot – Male Boreal Owl - First captain of the weather interpretation chaw, becomes the leader when Ezylryb is captured.
- Trader Mags – A female magpie that comes around about one time a year to sell her wares. Her favorite customer is Madame Plonk. She also wears a bandana around her head to cover a bald spot that she is embarrassed about.
- Bubbles - magpie Trader Mags’ assistant.
- Silver – Male Lesser Sooty Owl, Tyto multipunctata. A member of the Weather Interpretation Chaw, rescued from the Great Downing.
- Nut Beam – Male Masked Owl. A member of the Weather Interpretation Chaw, rescued from the Great Downing.
- Pellimore (a.k.a. Pelli) – Female Barn Owl. Soren’s mate as of The Outcast. Mother of Bell, Blythe, and Bash or three B's. She is also the ryb of the Search and Rescue chaw. she hid the ember in Exile.
- Fritha – Female Pygmy Owl. A student of the Great Ga'Hoole tree and apprentice of Otulissa.
- Blythe – A female Barn Owl. The eldest daughter of Soren and Pellimore. An excellent singer.
- Sebastiana (Bash) – A female Barn Owl. The second daughter of Soren and Pellimore.
- Bell – A female Barn Owl. The youngest daughter of Soren and Pellimore. She once trusted the Striga after he rescued her, but later hates him after he betrayed everyone in the Great Tree and threatened everyone when the Striga said:"Put your weapons down or her head comes off."
- Elyan - A male Great Gray Owl. chairman of the Great Tree under Coryn, who is completely enthralled with the Ember of Hoole, and ends up being retired by Coryn for turning the tree into a prison if owls don't worship and sing to the ember in which owls become others.
- Gemma Whiskered Screech Owl. chaplain of the Great Tree, he tricks Elyan and other owls who are enthralled with the Ember of Hoole into turning the Tree into a prison for owls who don't worship the ember. he deserts Elyan and escapes the Tree as to avoid punishment from Coryn when he arrives and finds out what he has done. he is later declared a dangerous outlaw in the Southern Kingdoms.
The Pure Ones
- Kludd (deceased) – Male Barn Owl. Would-be assassin of Soren and Eglantine, also their older brother, leader of the Pure Ones; later killed in book six by Twilight; aka Metal Beak and High Tyto. Mate of Nyra and the father of Nyroc (aka Coryn). Kludd is portrayed by Ryan Kwanten in the film.
- Nyra (deceased) – Female Barn Owl. Kludd’s evil mate; suspected of being a hagsfiend in the last few books but proved to be a hagsfiend when she turns into one in the War Of The Ember, made leader of the Pure Ones after Kludd’s death, slayer of Strix Struma and Philip, and the Rouge Smith of Silverveil; mother of Nyroc (aka Coryn). She is killed by Soren in The War of the Ember when he chucks an ice splinter into her chest. Portrayed by Helen Mirren in the film.
- Wortmore (deceased) – Male Barn Owl. A Pure One lieutenant. He apparently dies by flying snake venom in The Siege. Wortmore somehow later reappears but is killed in the Battle of the Beyond.
- Wort (deceased) – Male Barn Owl. A Pure One corporal. Dies in the battle of the Middle Kingdom.
- Uglamore (deceased) – Male Barn Owl. A Pure One sublieutenant (then promoted to a lieutenant); deserts the Pure Ones and sacrifices himself for Coryn in The Outcast.
- Stryker (deceased) – Male barn owl. A Pure One lieutenant (then promoted to a Lieutenant major and then a Commander) under Nyra, second in command later in the series; killed by Tengshu. Is described to have a scar on his stomach because of Otulissa, and described by Nyroc/Coryn to have a nick in his beak.
- Phillip a.k.a. Dustytuft (deceased) – Male Greater Sooty Owl. A low caste owl of the Pure Ones; befriended Nyroc (aka Coryn) at his hatching; killed by Nyra.
- Tarn (deceased) – Male Burrowing Owl. 1st in command under Nyra. Probably died after Twilight and his brothers chased him and his small contingent, in The War of the Ember. Tarn was the first non-Tyto owl to be in the Pure Ones’ ranks.
- Orlando (aka the Striga) (deceased) – Blue dragon Owl. A former dragon owl from the Middle Kingdom seeking a more meaningful life; Betrays Coryn and the Great Ga'Hoole Tree by joining ranks with Nyra; previously saves Soren and Pelli’s owlet Bell. He was the leader of the Blue Brigade and was known for his brainwashing flattery, he took control of the Great Tree, had The Band exiled, burned books, and wanted Bell as his new daughter. Soren kills him by tearing his head off in the War of the Ember’s last battle, after the Striga cuts off Coryn’s wing and killed him.
- Other Pure Ones – Several soldiers of the Pure Ones has been mentioned by their name at least once. Among them included Ginger, a young infiltrator who joined the Guardians after the Pure Ones abandoned her but rejoined them after shattering Eglantine, and Vaygar, a Masked Owl. Another soldier was named Blyrric, who was missing an eye. Also there was Kylor, a turned slipgizzle who used to serve for the Guardians, and Spyke and Gebbles, who fought in the Battle of the Beyond.
Blue Brigade
- Field Marshal Cram (deceased) – Male Great Horned Owl, first in command under the Striga. Killed during the battle on Balefire Night.
- Other Owls of the Blue Brigade - an army of Blue and dragon Owls from the Middle Kingdoms that serve under the Striga including those who are not blue or dragon Owls.
(or St Aggie's for short)
- Skench (deceased) – Female Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus . The Ablah General of the academy, killed by Soren.
- Spoorn (deceased) – Male Western Screech-Owl. Skench’s first lieutenant; killed by Martin with a ice splinter.
- Jatt (deceased) – Male Long-eared Owl. A sublieutenant of St. Aegolius; also a warrior and enforcer and cousin/ brother of Jutt. Jatt cannibal Digger's brother and killed his parents. killed by Soren, Twilight, Streak, and Zan. Portrayed by Leigh Wannell in the film.
- Jutt (deceased) – Male Long-Eared Owl. A St. Aegolius sublieutenant; a warrior and enforcer and cousin/brother of Jatt. Jutt cannabalized Digger's brother and killed his parents. killed by Soren, Twilight, Zan, and Streak. Portrayed by Angus Sampson in the film.
- Aunt Finny (aka "Auntie") (deceased) – Female Snowy Owl. Soren’s pit guardian while he was at the academy. Finny is the owl that Soren feared most when he infiltrated St. Aggie’s. She pushed Hortense off a cliff after finding out that Hortense was saving eggs from the Hatchery. She is presumably also an egg-eater and tried to murder Soren and Gylfie when they infiltrated St. Aggies in Book 4: The Siege. She was slashed by Soren in the neck and subsequently bled to death.
- Unk (Possibly Deceased) Male Great Horned Owl. Gylfie’s pit guardian while she was at the academy with Soren and later a St. Aggie's guard. Wasn't specifically mentioned as alive when St. Aggie's fell to the Pure Ones and is presumed deceased in the Pure One invasion of St. Aggie's.
- Grimble (deceased) – Male Boreal Owl. A brave owl that was captured as an adult by the St. Aegolius patrols; held hostage and was promised that his family would be spared; taught Soren and Gylfie how to fly so that they could escape from the academy, killed by Skench as Soren and Gylfie escaped. Portrayed by Hugo Weaving in the film.
- 47-2 (deceased) – A female Western Screech-Owl. A picker at the pelletorium in St. Aggie's.killed by Soren, Twilight, Streak and Zan.
- Hortense (aka Mist) – Female Spotted Owl,Strix occidentalis. Originally from Ambala; Infiltrated St. Aggies; trained as a broody owl in the eggorium of the academy; helped save more then 20 eggs that the patrols had snatched. Pushed off a cliff by Auntie, but is saved by the eagles Streak and Zan. Regarded as a hero, especially in Ambala. Her feathers had turned transparent with age and looks like a cloud of mist.
- Uklah (possibly deceased) – Female Barn Owl. Uklah was a former Pure one infiltrator. At that time she was known as Purity, a name she later describes as pure nonsense. Her number was 92-01. Uklah tells Otulissa that she betrayed the Pure Ones, although Otulissa and Digger thought she was a infiltrator when Otulissa saw her slipping flecks to another Barn Owl. Uklah explains that she does it so the other Pure Ones won’t think she’s a traitor. Her fate is unknown, for she’s not mentioned in any other book after The Siege(it is believed that she was possibly discovered and murdered when the Pure Ones learned about their double crossers).
- Duncan MacDuncan (deceased) - Leader of the MacDuncan clan of dire wolves in Beyond the Beyond. Later dies of old age in the Wolves of the Beyond Series.
- Dunleavy MacHeath - Leader of the MacHeath clan of dire wolves in Beyond the Beyond; known vyrwolf; recruited members of the MacHeath clan to come with him to become vyrwolves. Disappears in The Golden Tree.
- Gyllbane - Member of the MacHeath clan; her pup, Cody, was maimed by Dunleavy MacHeath; later renamed as Namara.
- Cody (deceased) - Gyllbane’s son; died when saving the Book of Kreeth in The Golden Tree, Throat was slashed open.
- Hamish (deceased) - In the MacDuncan clan; a gnaw wolf of the Sacred Watch; friends with Coryn, has a lame leg. Becomes the new Fengo when Coryn returns the Ember Of Hoole. In the Wolves of the Beyond series, Hamish has been revealed to have died sometime after the owl war.
Other Characters
- Bess – A Boreal Owl. Daughter of Grimble; also known as "The Knower"; discovered Middle Kingdom; reclusive.
- The Rogue Smith of Silverveil (deceased) - A female Snowy Owl and sister of Madame Plonk. Eventually gave up making weapons and instead made art. Good friend of Trader Mags, later killed by Nyra when she shoved the rougue smith into her own fire. Her name is revealed to be Thora Plonk in the Lost Tales of Ga'Hoole.
- Cleve of Firthmore - A male Spotted Owl healer and prince from the royal Hollow of Snarth in the Northern Kingdoms, Studied Medicine. Mate of Otulissa and father of their 4 yet-to hatch chicks.A dedicated peacemaker,the only time he hurts another owl is in The War of The Ember.
- Gwyndor - A male Masked Owl who’s a rogue smith. He realized that Nyroc has seen the Ember of Hoole and helped the future king reached his goal. He became a useful ally to Coryn (Nyroc). It is mentioned in the Wolves of the Beyond series that he died sometime before the books.
- Tengshu – Blue Long-Eared Owl. Qui master and sage of the Jouzhenkyn.
- Slynella – A green iridescent flying snake of Ambala. Friend of Mist;(a.k.a Hortense) helped save Soren and Twilight when they were injured badly.
- Stingyll – A green iridescent flying snake of Ambala; Friend of Mist;(a.k.a Hortense)helped save Twilight when he was injured badly.
- Rabbit (deceased) - A webreader that Coryn meets. He reads things in spiderwebs and names are the easiest things to read. He is killed during a skirmish between Coryn, Kalo, and two owls of the Blue Brigade.
- Noctus (deceased) – Soren, Kludd, and Eglantine’s father. Voiced by Hugo Weaving in the film. Presumably murdered by Kludd. However, he was not killed in the film, instead remaining alive and reuniting with Soren and Eglantine at the Great Tree.
- Marella (deceased) – Soren, Kludd, and Eglantine’s mother. Also presumably killed by Kludd. Portrayed by Essie Davis in the film. However, she was not killed in the film, instead remaining alive and reuniting with Soren and Eglantine at the Great Tree.
- Streak – A Bald Eagle. Friend of Hortense/Mist, mate of Zan.
- Zan – Bald Eagle. Had her tongue ripped out in a fight with Skench and Spoorn, mate of Streak. Friend of Hortense/Mist.
- Simon (deceased) – A male Brown Fish Owl. A pilgrim of the Glauxian brother’s retreat; took care of Kludd though he was later killed by him.
- Braithe – A male Whiskered Screech owl who’s the head of the Brad, a living library where owls memorize books. Revealed to be Ezylryb's grandson in Lost Tales of Ga'Hoole.
- Tavis – A male Great Gray Owl. Twilight’s older brother.
- Cletus – A male Great Gray Owl. Also Twilight’s older brother.
- H'ryth Gup Theosang – A Blue Burrowing Owl. The wisest of the pikyus (shown by his very green eyes) and is the seventh H'ryth of the Middle Kingdom (h'ryth means innermost part of the gizzard). He is a direct spiritual relative of Theo, the first H'ryth.
- Lil (deceased) - A female Whiskered Screech owl. She was the mate of Lyze of kiel (Ezylryb). She was killed when she was struck down by an owl of the ice talons and fell into the ocean and drowned. Her death was witnessed by Octavia. She was part of the Kielian League. Mother of Bo.
- Ifghar - Whiskered Screech Owl, brother of Ezylryb. He is a turnfeather,traitor, along with Gragg. He wanted Lil as his mate and in the end betrayed everyone and fought with the Ice Claws. In the end he was turned out by the Ice Claws too when he killed the owl that murdered Lil. Ifghar later reappears in the sixth book: The Burning.
- Gragg - Kielian Snake, turnscale with Ifghar.
- Hoke of Hock - Kielian Snake, relative of Octavia. Saw Martin and Ruby while the Chaw of Chaws was recruiting owls from the Northern Kingdoms.
- Honeyvox - A male Tropical Screech Owl, gadfeather long before the Band stayed at the tree for a month. Tried to become the new singer of the tree by slipping a medicine into the current singer's drink that in too big a dose will render one mute, but it backfired after he drank the cup with the medicine. The next morning he woke up mute and then became a Glauxian Brother. It was mentioned that the Plonk singer of the time invited a mute Glauxian Brother to his last performance.
- Smutty - A Lesser Sooty Owl Tyto multipunctata, was captured by the Pure Ones. During Nyroc's Tupsi, he was forced to kill him and Phillip.
Movie characters
- Echidna - The Echidna carries a walking stick and was the one who gave directions to the Great Ga'Hoole Tree to Soren and his friends. Voiced by Barry Otto.
- Metal Beak (deceased) - Metal Beak, a Sooty Owl, who Kludd did not become in the film but the ending implies that "Metal Beak" might simply be a title; thus, Kludd will become the next to bear it. He's the leader of the Pure Ones, Ezylryb's archenemy, and mate of Nyra. Killed by Soren. Metal Beak is voiced by Joel Edgerton.
- Allomere (deceased) - A Great Gray Owl who was a slipgizzle (spy) at the Great Ga'Hoole Tree for the Pure Ones, but later was betrayed by Metal Beak and killed by vampire bats on his orders. Voiced by Sam Neil.
- Pete - White Long-eared Owl, captured and taken to St. Aegolius to work as a picker, later rescued by the Guardians and taken to the Great Tree, where he is seen as a student listening to the story of Soren's journey. Pete has two black spots on him, one on his left eye and one on the back of his right wing. Voiced by Gareth Young.
Characters in Wolves of the Beyond
- Faolan - A dire wolf who’s the main protagonist of the spin-off. He was born with a splayed paw and left to die. However, the pup survived when a grizzly (Thunderheart) found him and took care of him. Later, he went back to the wolves of the Beyond to become a gnaw wolf. Faolan has the unique ability to jump over high things and on his splayed paw is a swirl of silver very much shaped like a galaxy. Faolan knows this swirl is part of a bigger destiny, one that could change everything. He apparently has firesight.
- Thunderheart (deceased) – A female grizzly bear who took care of Faolan when he was taken from his clan. Killed by a boulder rolling down a hill during a earthquake.
- Gwynneth – A female Masked Owl who’s a rogue smith. She’s the daughter of the late Gwyndor and "niece" to the Rogue Smith of Silverveil. She’s also Faolan’s first friend.
- Shibaan (deceased) – A female Dire wolf who was an Obea and the one responsible for taking Faolan away. Died during an earthquake when boulders crushed her, upon which her spirit was able to care for the spirits of the pups she had abandoned in the past.
- Sark of the Slough – A female dire wolf who’s rumored to have mysterious "witch" powers.
- Morag (deceased) – Faolan’s birth mother. She dies at the end of the book Watch Wolf.
- Heep – A tail-less gnaw wolf in Duncan MacDuncan’s clan who becomes an enemy of Faolan after he attempts to frame him for the murder of a pup.
- Beria - A lone she-wolf who Faolan befriends.
- Edme - A one-eyed gnaw wolf in the MacHeath clan who was purposely maimed to become a watch wolf. She renounced her ties to the clan, and joined the watch as a free-runner.
- Unnamed Malcadh Pup (deceased) - A malcadh pup left to die. Gwynneth later hears the pup gruesomely murdered. Faolan cannot help but to put the bones with Thunderheart's paw bone to put the malcadh pup's spirit to rest. Heep later frames Faolan for the murder, but Faolan shows a nick like mark in the bones, Heep's trademark, proving that Heep was the one who murdered the pup.
Characters from the Legends (deceased)
- Hoole – A male Spotted Owl, Strix occidentalis. Hoole was the son of King H'rath and Queen Siv. After his father was murdered by Lord Arrin, Siv fled and took the egg of Hoole with her into hiding. She later gave the egg to Grank to raise on a remote island in the middle of the Bitter Sea. Hoole grew up unaware of his royal lineage until Grank took him to Beyond the Beyond. It was here where he finally discovered who his mother was and retrieved the mysterious ember from one of the volcanoes of the Sacred Ring. After the death of his mother, he led a band owls to the newly formed Great Ga'Hoole Tree and became the king. He led the Guardians of the tree to victory against the evil Lord Arrin and his armies, finally restoring the N'rythghar to peace. Hoole’s primary goal was to rid the owl world of magic, which he considered to be a very dangerous and powerful force. At the end of his life he returned the ember to the same volcano he retrieved it from, but not before seeing a vision of a Barn Owl who would one day, thousands of years later, come and retrieve it once more. Hoole had the ability of firesight and was the mate of Emerilla.
- H'rath – A male Spotted Owl, Strix occidentalis. The king of the N'rythghar, the mate of Queen Siv, and the father of Hoole. H'rath was killed by Lord Arrin when he lay siege on the Ice Palace. H'rath was good friends with Grank.
- Siv – A female Spotted Owl, Strix occidentalis. The queen of the N'rythghar, H'rath’s mate, and the mother of Hoole. Going into hiding after the death of her husband, Siv raised an army and fought against Lord Arrin and his hagfiends in the Beyond the Beyond. She was killed by hagsfiends and died in the wings of her son. Siv was good friends with both Grank and the polar bear, Svenka.
- Grank – A male Spotted Owl, Strix occidentalis. A good friend of both King H'rath and Queen Siv, Grank was the first collier and had firesight. He was also the first owl to find the Ember of Hoole. Grank raised Hoole on an island in the Bitter Sea. He died of old age, making Hoole promise to return the ember to the volcano Dunmore at the end of his life. Grank was secretly in love with Siv.
- Theo – A male Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus. Theo was born into a family with an abusive father who wanted him to become a soldier. He later left the family hollow to become a Glauxian Brother. He met Grank on the island in the middle of the Bitter Sea and began training under him. Theo was the first blacksmith and created many inventions, including battle claws, something he later regretted making. He was a gizzard resister and would only fight when there was no other option available. Theo later traveled to the Middle Kingdom and wrote the Theo Papers, an extensive philosophical document.
- Lord Rathnik – A male Snowy Owl. An officer of the Ice Regiment and a member of the Great Tree’s parliament. Lord Rathnik was killed in the battle of The Short Light and the Long Night.
- Shadyk – A male Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus. Theo’s younger brother. Shadyk was a mad usurper of King H'rath’s throne in the Ice Palace, causing the palace to rot.
- Phineas – A male Pygmy Owl. The best friend of Hoole. Phineas was known for his great pluck.
- Berwyck – A male Boreal owl, Bubo virginianus. Hoole and Grank’s friend and a member of the Glauxian Brothers.
- Myrrthe – A female Snowy Owl. The faithful servant of Queen Siv. Myrrthe was killed by hagsfiends while hunting for lemmings.
- Rorkna – A female Spotted Owl. The Glauxess of the Glauxian Sisters Retreat on the island of Elsemere. The cousin of Siv.
- The Snow Rose – A female snowy owl. A gadfeather and renowned singer. The Snow Rose’s lineage became the Plonk family.
- Emerilla – A female Spotted owl. The daughter of Strix Strumajen and mate of Hoole. Emerilla was an excellent fighter with the short blade. She is related to Otulissa.
- Strix Strumajen – A female spotted owl. The mother of Emerilla. Hoole made Strix Strumajen the ryb of the first weathering chaw.
- Kreeth – A female hagsfiend that had very strong powers of nachtmagen; created Lutta, created a book full of her evil spells (The Book of Kreeth); friend of Ygryk; killed during the Battle of Short Light and Long Night.
- Lutta – A Changeling. Created by Kreeth from a normal hatchling, killed by Strix Strumajen for impersonating Emerilla. Fell in love with Hoole.
- Joss - Faithful messenger to Siv and H'rath.
- Penryk – Male hagsfiend and an ally of Lord Arrin.
- Ygryk – A female hagsfiend; Pleek’s mate.
- Ullryck - A female hagsfiend; a very deadly assassin; serves Lord Arrin. She later goes rogue.
- Pleek – A male Great Horned owl. Enemy of King H'rath; known to consort with Hagsfiends and took one, Ygryk, as his mate.
- Lord Arrin – A male Snowy Owl. A traitor to H'rath, part hagsfiend; killed H'rath and Siv.
- Namara MacNamara (Hordweard) – Female Dire Wolf from Beyond the Beyond and Dunleavy MacHeath’s oldest mate. After she renames herself she kills him for revenge. Her clan is MacNamara, (named after her mother) which she also names after herself.
- Fengo (deceased) – Dire wolf, chief of all wolf clans and a friend of Grank. Slaughtered by Hagsfiends in To Be a King.
- Dunleavy MacHeath (deceased – Dire wolf, Fengo’s enemy. Tried to gain an alliance with Lord Arrin to rule the S'yrthghar. Killed by Namara MacNamara on broken talon point.
- Svenka – A female polar bear in the Bitter Sea and a good friend of Queen Siv. Svenka is the mother of Rolf and Anka and the mate of Svarr.
- Svarr – A male polar bear and the father of Svenka’s cubs. Svarr is interested in the politics of owls and often spies on them via smee holes.
- Anka - Svenka and Svarr's daughter. Was named Two before being named Anka.
- Rolf - Svarr and Svenka's son. Was named One before being named Rolf.
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List of Guardians of Ga'Hoole characters